Rihanna Seen On the Beach in Mexico


Here’s Rihanna getting some sun in Punta Mita Mexico on a secluded beachside villa. Her reps led everyone to believe that she flew out to Barbados after the whole incident with Chris Brown, when turns out, RiRi spent most of her time in Mexico. Sources are saying singer Whitney Houston offered some words of encouragement for RiRi telling her to forget about Chris Brown and that RiRi should avoid making the same mistakes that Whitney has in the past.7747cf05

It’s reported that for her birthday last week, Chris Brown bought her a diamond necklace, bracelet and Ipod Touch. He also attempted to call her and wish her a happy birthday, but there’s no word on if she accepted the call. The photo’s of her on the beach reveal her sadness. Also, her hair is covering her forehead where her bumps and bruises were. Should RiRi forgive Chris or is he just trying to buy back her love? Thoughts?

Photo credit: The Insider

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